Thank you for visiting Travel in Sri Lanka web!. As a travel information provider, I am really glad to create useful contents that will be your virtual tour guide through Sri Lanka.
Even though, numerous facts about Sri Lankan travel are freely accessible through internet posted by local travel agents, travellers, bloggers and digital nomads, I still believe that there is “so much in so little” to explore and need of an useful all in one platform that would reveal uncovered sites of the Island that has endless possibilities.
Hello! I’m Purna, and I’m the founder of the travel in Sri Lanka – AKA travelinsrilanka.info project. I’m currently a Europe based Lankan who born and grew up in lush green country side surrounded by the captivating nature in Sri Lanka.
My living abroad adventure started in my twenties with moving to the United Kingdom in 2007 and having spent few years in the former Empire was an immersive experience and I exposed to a new culture and found myself passionate about travelling, exploring and getting to know different cultures and people .
Not only I was able to gain a world class qualification but also enjoy the excitement being in a new society, making new international friends and learnt to live on my own being away from home, my family and friends for the first time.
It was quite hard to leave my sunny Island but I was obsessed with my new home away from home and the new culture that I could easily integrated with. Not only I became confidently and independently deal with life but also gave me a passion and exposure to become a wanderlust to cross boarders and exploring new cultures.

A Few years after I’ve decided to pack my luggage to move to a different part of Europe this time to pursue master degree as it was just seemed right for me to gain a new qualification and to experience a new territory and a new culture.
Although, few years after I found myself bit exhausted but with a master degree in my hand and some uncertainties in my mind. Wasn’t sure where to move from there but for sure dreaming about a side hassle.
Which exposed me to try new things and move forward with my newly found wisdom arised alongside with bunch of new experiences studying, travelling and living in Europe for the past few years.

I do not want to give up my effort just limiting to the tech industry, Therefore I’m initiating this interesting long term project with positive hopes to leverage the uncovered behind the scences of booming tourism of the island.
As an initial step, we hope to offer better service by bringing value for the products, services and right piece of information related to leisure and tourism industries that can help anyone to explore the island at their ease. I believe that there is no better time than now to launch this project to help visitors who make their itineraries in the island.
Feel free to drop me a message if you are interested to share thoughts, stories news and experience. Thanks for stopping by!